By Jeffrey L. Herman, Jamie Lopez, Stephanie Shively, & Lori Zukin
Booz Allen Hamilton
Jennifer J. Deal, William A. Gentry, & Marian Ruderman
Center for Creative Leadership
Rising competition for talent along with federal pay and hiring freezes are bringing increased pressure on leaders to motivate and retain employees. This paper describes research on what motivates employees to choose to work where they do and describes how leaders can use this information to engage and retain a workforce as competition for talent increases. The authors describe three employee profiles—Mission focused, Career focused, and those stuck with no other options—and how leaders can motivate and retain them.
Herman, J. L., Deal, J. J., Lopez, J., Gentry, W. A., Shively, S., Ruderman, M., & Zukin, L. (2011). Motivated by the organization’s mission or their career? Implications for leaders in turbulent times [White paper]. Center for Creative Leadership.