Explore CCL’s Signature Research
Our research programs give you access to a broad range of business knowledge on significant leadership topics. Each body of work builds from prior studies, spans a substantial time period, and captures the passion and commitment of the researchers involved.
Experience-based Development
CCL’s seminal work on the processes by which leaders learn, grow, and change.
360 Assessment
Pioneering work on multisource feedback methodologies, relativism of different rater sources, and cultural differences. CCL studies have found that competency ratings, as well as the degree of agreement between rater sources, are quite predictive of important outcomes, including leader performance and derailment.
Derailment occurs when leaders plateau, are demoted, or are fired. Derailment has been investigated as an outcome in numerous CCL research studies. Specifically, our studies have identified leader behaviors, as well as other variables, that are most likely to contribute to leader derailment.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
>CCL’s body of work in the area of demographics and leadership. This is includes research on the challenges, barriers, biases, and supports associated with women’s leadership, how demographics effect leadership in an age of increasing diversity, and the development needs of leaders working globally across cultures.
Leadership as a Collective Social Process
A body of work applying a social constructionist epistemology to examine leadership as a process of social construction produced through relationships.
DAC Leadership Framework
Pioneering work on a definition and measure of leadership encompassing a full range of human activity in addition to the leader.
Team Effectiveness
CCL’s research examining how teams function and how to make them more effective.
Cultivating Holistic, Brain-based Leadership Practices
Groundbreaking research leveraging the latest knowledge from neuroscience, cognition, and mindfulness to increase leaders’ resilience.
Generations at Work
CCL’s notable research on similarities and differences among generations in the workplace.
Networks and Their Role in Leadership
An exciting new research program exploring social networks within organizations to uncover patterns and gaps in communication and influence.