Developing leaders in Latin America: Understanding managerial derailment

By Sarah Stawiski, William Gentry, Laura Santana, & David Dinwoodie
Center for Creative Leadership


To develop leaders in Latin America, we must draw on the knowledge and best practices of the field, while asking new questions and adapting our approach to the specific cultural, economic, political, and social contexts in which leadership is needed. To help our clients and colleagues target and tailor developmental opportunities, researchers at the Center for Creative Leadership conducted a study of managerial derailment in Latin America. This paper shares our findings, considers cultural factors that may underlie the data, and offers suggestions for keeping Latin American managers on the track of career success.


Stawiski, S., Gentry, W. A., Santana, L., & Dinwoodie, D. (2012). Developing leaders in Latin America: Understanding managerial derailment [White paper]. Center for Creative Leadership.

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