Make learning stick: Best practices to get the most out of leadership development

By Diane Reinhold & Tracy Patterson
Center for Creative Leadership

Peter Hegel
North Carolina State University


Are you taking a closer look at “learning transfer”? Are you wondering how to make sure the lessons taught through your leadership training and development efforts stick weeks, months, or years later? As a professional interested in learning and development, you may be in a position to acknowledge and help overcome the challenges to learning in your organizations. You are likely in a position to influence supervisors and executives, as well as potential participants, in leadership development efforts. You may also have a role in creating and supporting a learning environment. With a better understanding of learning transfer, you can help your organization realize multiple benefits, including bigger impact from developmental experiences, more effective leaders, and a stronger organizational ability to learn and adapt.

Read on to learn CCL’s perspective on and best practices for learning transfer for leadership development. We share a framework—and specific tactics—that we use in designing leadership development solutions. With this information, you can begin to help leaders and your organization overcome challenges to learning transfer—and earn greater benefit from leadership development investments.


Reinhold, D., Patterson, T., & Hegel, P. (2015). Make learning stick: Best practices to get the most out of leadership development [White paper]. Center for Creative Leadership.

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