Sleep well, lead well: How better sleep can improve leadership, boost productivity, and spark innovation

By Carol Connolly, Marian Ruderman, & Jean Leslie
Center for Creative Leadership


Many executives and senior leaders are getting by on little rest and see no way around it. When it seems there are not enough hours in the day, something has to give, and often its sleep. Sleeping less reduces brain power, productivity, and the ability to communicate. It also diminishes concentration, lowers creativity, and impairs memory and motor skills — including people skills. This paper provides an overview about why sleep matters and what you can do to prevent sleep deprivation from hijacking the brain of leaders throughout your organization.


Connolly, C., Ruderman, M., & Leslie, J. (2014). Sleep well, lead well: How better sleep can improve leadership, boost productivity, and spark innovation [White paper]. Center for Creative Leadership.

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