Bert De CoutereFaculty, Societal Advancement

    Bert’s professional life is all about competent people. He thinks, publishes, consults, designs, and sets up learning and development projects for corporations. His areas of expertise include technology enhanced learning, innovation, learning transfer, and leadership development.

    Bert has been active in the field of corporate learning and e-learning for the last 15 years, first as instructor and course designer, later as project manager, consultant, and business development manager. He worked at IBM Learning Development Europe where he was responsible for commercial e-learning development projects across Europe, and the management of the learning innovation initiatives. He then joined the Center for Creative Leadership as a solution architect, designing custom leadership development experiences for Fortune 500 clients. He currently oversees the knowledge management and IP initiatives in CCL EMEA.

    Bert wrote the book Homo Competens — Let’s talk about competent people in the network age, frequently speaks at conferences such as Online Educa Berlin, and blogs at

    Bert is currently Design Faculty in the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) EMEA office. In his role he designs customized leadership interventions and programs for clients and bring these designs to fruition based on CCL’s solution architecture portfolio. He also organised CCL’s first LeaderMOOC (Massive Open Online Course).

    Bert holds a degree as Commercial Engineer in Information Management (KULeuven) and an Executive MBA title from the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.

    Bert’s working languages are English, Dutch, and French.

    Bert De Coutere

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    Areas of Expertise

    Innovation, CCL Labs Beta Products

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