Katelyn has experience in assessment development, evaluation, and workforce analytics. Prior to joining CCL, Katelyn worked as a Research Scientist at Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO), where she partnered with clients to develop large-scale assessment solutions for use in higher education, employee selection, and certification. In 2020, Katelyn served on the Executive Board for a SIOP-affiliated professional organization for I-O Psychology practitioners (PTCMW) where she helped transition member programming from an in-person to virtual environment. While completing her master’s program at George Mason University (GMU), Katelyn worked with the U.S. Army Research Institute to investigate leader behaviors that impact soldier resilience. She also served as the Client Outreach Coordinator for GMU’s chapter of UNC’s Volunteer Program Assessment program, which provides solution-driven program evaluations for non-profit leaders, and contributed to research projects investigating leadership and teamwork in complex, non-traditional work environments.
Current Role
Katelyn is an Evaluation Associate on the Insights & Impact team. She helps to manage many aspects of the standardized data collection and reporting processes for CCL’s leadership programs. She also works on custom client evaluation work and other projects led by Leadership Research & Analytics.
Educational Background
M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from George Mason University
B.S. in Psychology from Louisiana State University

Contact Information
Areas of Expertise
Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Evaluation, Psychometric Assessments