By David L. Dinwoodie, Corey Criswell, Rich Tallman, Phil Wilburn, Nick Petrie, Laura Quinn, John McGuire, Michael Campbell, & Larry McEvoy
Center for Creative Leadership
Change in the natural world occurs similarly to the way change occurs within organizations. The problem is we don’t always recognize the similarities. This paper uses the reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park to illustrate how, in the natural world; change is a constant process of evolutionary and revolutionary shifts resulting from the interaction of ecosystem players, change agents, as they deal with disturbances across the system. Lessons taken from the examples of transformational change in the natural world that are applicable to change efforts in the organizations are discussed.
Dinwoodie, D. L., Criswell, C., Tallman, R., Wilburn, P., Petrie, N., Quinn, L., McGuire, J., Campbell, M., & McEvoy, L. (2014). Transformational change: An ecosystem approach [White paper]. Center for Creative Leadership.