By William A. Gentry
Center for Creative Leadership
Karl Warren Kuhnert
Emory University
Scott P. Mondore
Strategic Management Decisions
Erin E. Page
University of Michigan
Using “districts” nested within “regions”, this multi‐level analysis research aims to examine whether a climate of supervisory‐support at a “district”‐level (as measured by perceived supervisor support (PSS)), and “region”‐level unemployment rates were related to “district”‐level retention rates of blue‐collar part‐time employees (PTEs)…
Gentry, William A., Kuhnert, K. W., Mondore, S. P., & Page, E. E. (2007). The influence of supervisory‐support climate and unemployment rate on part‐time employee retention: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Management Development, 26(10), 1005–1022.