Transforming your organization

By John B. McGuire, Charles J. Palus, William Pasmore, & Gary B. Rhodes
Center for Creative Leadership


Like it or not, the shifting world is forcing organizational cultures to change. Companies must proactively invest in a leadership culture that will help them face their challenges. Leadership cultures evolve along a path to become increasingly sophisticated: from dependent to independent to interdependent. Those wishing to change their organizational cultures must first gauge where their culture is in the hierarchy of cultures, and then understand the capabilities needed for their future business strategy to succeed. The authors also describe the principle of “slowing down to power up” and other strategies in order to lead change. Includes graphics and case studies.


McGuire, J. B., Palus, C. J., Pasmore, W., & Rhodes, G. B. (2015). Transforming your organization [White paper]. Center for Creative Leadership.

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