CCL Research Publications
This is a listing of all the research papers on this site. To view papers by category, visit our Library of CCL Research.
Recent Publications
- Advancing organizational science through synthetic data: A path to enhanced data sharing and collaboration
- Leadership capabilities for navigating a polycrisis
- Evaluating a novel method of scoring multirater assessments of leader competencies
- Unpacking multisource leadership ratings: A test of the Leadership Arena-Reputation-Identity Model
- Rags to riches or falling from grace: Gestalt characteristics of income mobility, core self-evaluations, and career success
- Improving virtual team collaboration through paradox management
- Competency ambidexterity to achieve leadership excellence and reduce derailment risk in a globalized world: A cross-cultural study
- A bibliometric study of positive psychological capital: Investigating intellectual foundations through co-citation and content analyses
- Leadership as conversation: A new tool to support leadership development
- REAL: CCL’s research-based leadership framework for equity, diversity, and inclusion in action
- A window into your status: Environment-based social class’s effect on virtual leadership
- Actions speak louder than (listening to) words
- Stronger together: Let’s lead more inclusively in business schools
- Big five personality traits and trait theories of leadership
- Monday mourning: A call for the study of bereavement in the workplace
- Leadership Challenge Ladder™ technical report
- Reconsidering myths about teamwork using CCL’s framework on team effectiveness
- Setting the stage: Feedback environment improves outcomes for a 360-degree-feedback leader-development program
- Time heals all wounds? HRM and bereavement in the workplace
- A tale of two offices: The socioeconomic environment’s effect on job performance while working from home
- Good soldiers versus organizational wives: Does anyone (besides us) care that organizational citizenship behavior scales are gendered and mostly measure men’s—but not women’s—citizenship behavior?
- Citizenship ambivalence: Its nature, causes and consequences
- Leadership development as a lever for social change
- Stemming the great resignation through leadership development
- Future fluent nation builders: State of leadership in public sector enterprises in India
- Cosmetic, conversation, or commitment: A study of EDI corporate messages, motives, and metrics after George Floyd’s Murder
- Psychologically safe for some, but not all?: The downsides of assuming shared psychological safety among senior leadership teams
- Leadership development in the flow of work: Leveraging technology to accelerate learning
- Leader-facilitated emotion management and perceived effectiveness: moderating roles of leader gender and culture
- Ambition: a deterrent to workplace deviance among narcissistic leaders
- For young people, by young people: Insights into young adults’ leadership experiences and aspirations in ASEM countries
- Using structural topic modeling to gain insight into challenges faced by leaders
- Pandemic paradoxes and how they affect your workers
- Developing the theory and practice of leadership development: A relational view
- The future is here: A benchmark study of digitally enabled assessment and development tools
- Why does a growth mindset intervention impact achievement differently across secondary schools? Unpacking the causal mediation mechanism from a national multisite randomized experiment
- The stories we tell: Why cognitive distortions matter for leaders
- The chief of leadership development: Preparing today’s leaders for tomorrow’s challenges
- Leading through COVID-19: The impact of pandemic stress and what leaders can do about it
- Private-to-Public TRANSITIONS
- Digital leadership readiness: Lessons from Singapore
- CCL Labs webinar: Beating the Odds for Women in STEM
- CCL Labs webinar: Introducing Leadership Context Explorer
- Happy 2021! Here are 5 free exercises to make you reflect on the year ahead!
- Building leadership resilience: The CORE framework
- CCL Labs webinar: Deconstructing Leadership Development
- Leadership development impact (LDI) framework
- Role-based engagement: scale development and validation
- Building bridges: Empowering G20 youth to be leaders
- CCL Labs webinar: Cognitive Distortions Explorer
- CCL Labs webinar: Using a Gratitude Journal
- Whether, how, and why networks influence men’s and women’s career success: Review and research agenda
- Executive outlook 2020 CCLs summary of leadership development research
- CCL Labs survey: we need more trust, less executive image!
- CCL Labs experiment: Crowdsourcing the Competencies for Future Success
- Under-representation of global leaders from Asia: Competency gap or an unconscious bias?
- Sounds like a leader: An ascription-actuality approach to examining leader emergence and effectiveness
- CCL Labs presents “Social-Emotional Leadership: Building Youth Capacity in Times of Change”
- Labs@CCL presents “A Benchmark Study of Digitally Enabled Assessment & Development Tools”
- Cyberaggression in work-related email: Nomological network and links to victims’ counterproductive work behavior
- Marrying personality and job resources and their effect on engagement via critical psychological states
- Is the future of leadership development wearable? Exploring self-tracking in leadership programs
- Overcoming barriers to women’s leadership
- The effect of multiple negative, neutral, and positive organizational changes
- Gender and career success: A typology and analysis of dual paradigms
- Vertical leadership for executive teams: Culture still wins over strategy
- The costs of online learning: Examining differences in motivation and academic outcomes in online and face-to-face community college developmental mathematics courses
- From knowing to doing in workplace relationships: Introducing workplace relational self-efficacy
- Principal actions related to increases in teacher-principal trust: Comparative case studies
- A case of evolutionary mismatch? Why facial width-to-height ratio may not predict behavioral tendencies
- Visual Explorer & the Tao
- How informal networks can strengthen your organization’s strategy
- The quantified leader: Wearables & self-tracking technology for development
- Six strategies for digital learning success
- I feel your pain: A critical review of organizational research on empathy
- How to lead virtual teams: The power of leveraging polarities
- A critical evaluation of the state of assessment and development for senior leaders
- Does reducing male domination in teams attenuate or intensify the harmful effects of perceived discrimination on women’s job satisfaction? A test of competing hypotheses
- How to know if your culture change strategy is working
- Looking ahead: How what we know about sexual harassment now informs us of the future
- Rapid response measurement: Development of a faking-resistant assessment method for personality
- Ready to R.I.S.E. insights from: 300 women leaders, 5 women’s leadership innovation labs, 3 continents, 1 diverse world
- Give your leaders a developmental edge: The Power of digitally enabled assessments
- Redefining talent for the new world of work: Stay ahead of change with Talent Portfolio Agility™
- Leveraging subordinates for performance: How managers benefit from mentoring relationships
- Coaching infrastructure: The building block of impactful coaching programs
- Developing leaders to tackle “our” problem
- Visual Explorer in Africa
- Challenge accepted: Managing polarities to enhance virtual team effectiveness
- Problem employees: Identify and manage them before they impact your business and career
- Vertical transformation of leadership culture
- Thriving in central network positions: The role of political skill
- CHRO 3.0: Preparing to lead the future HR function in Asia
- Rating expatriate leader effectiveness in multisource feedback systems: Cultural distance and hierarchical effects
- Tired at work: A roadblock to effective leadership
- Leading together: Strengthening relational trust in the adult school community
- Staying on track: The buffering effect of culture on leadership strength and derailment potential
- Developing next-generation Indian business leaders: The keys to success
- Glass doors to the corner office: Women and leadership
- Elevating women’s leadership in India: Issues and insights
- How bosses can make or break leadership development programs
- How empathic concern helps leaders in providing negative feedback: A two‐study examination
- How to prevent overwork from killing productivity
- 3 crucial behaviors for successfully leading innovation
- Fast track: How top Silicon Valley companies accelerate leadership development
- What women want—And why you want women—In the workplace
- Infusing twenty-first-century skills into engineering education
- Tired of being fatigued? Introduction to the special issue
- Can’t sleep, won’t sleep: Exploring leaders’ sleep patterns, problems, and attitudes
- Change-capable leadership the real power propelling successful change
- Team sponsors in community-based health leadership programs
- Evaluating the impact of leadership development – 2nd Edition
- Busting myths about feedback: What leaders should know
- Reframing the decision-makers’ dilemma: Towards a social context model of creative idea recognition
- Incorporating social networks into leadership development: A conceptual model and evaluation of research and practice
- Incorporating social networks into leadership development: A conceptual model and evaluation of research and practice
- Holding leaders accountable during the 360 feedback process
- Building the case for executive coaching
- The care and feeding of the leader’s brain
- Emotions Explorer: Theoretical Background
- Green lights and stop signs: The road to gender parity in retail and consumer goods
- Queen bee syndrome: The real reason women do not promote women
- Dropped on the way to the top: Gender and managerial derailment
- Putting experience at the center of talent management
- Analytics for change: How networks and data science will revolutionize organizational change
- The promise of qualitative methods for expanding theories of positive youth development
- Leveraging relational assets for adolescent development: A qualitative investigation of youth–adult “connection” in positive youth development
- A multilevel CFA–MTMM approach for multisource feedback instruments: Presentation and application of a new statistical model
- The coach’s view: Coach and coachee characteristics add up to successful coaching engagements
- Collective and network approaches to leadership: Special issue introduction
- Underestimating one’s leadership impact: Are women leaders more susceptible?
- The irony of integrity: A study of the character strengths of leaders
- “It’s not about me. It’s me & you.” How being dumped can help first-time managers
- The challenges leaders face around the world: More similar than different
- A leadership gap analysis for Chinese leaders from a 360-Degree survey
- Grooming top leaders: Cultural perspectives from China, India, Singapore and the United States
- Creating tomorrow’s government leaders: An overview of top leadership challenges and how they can be addressed
- Addressing the leadership gap in healthcare: What’s needed when it comes to leader talent?
- Making your life work: A new approach to increasing your effectiveness on and off the job
- Learning leadership in the military: Key developmental events & lessons from senior officers
- Empathy in the workplace: A tool for effective leadership
- Boundary spanning leadership: Mission critical perspectives from the executive suite
- Motivational cultural intelligence, realistic job preview, realistic living conditions preview, and cross-cultural adjustment
- Motivating your managers: What’s the right strategy?
- Using mindfulness to improve high potential development
- World leadership survey biannual report on employee commitment and engagement 2013–2014
- Female professionals’ gender-professional identity integration (G-PII) and creativity
- Managing paradox: Blending East and West philosophies to unlock its advantages and opportunities
- Crafting your career: Cultural variations in career-relevant relationships
- The state of teams
- Leadership development in Africa: A focus on strengths
- The leadership gap: What you need, and still don’t have, when it comes to leadership talent
- Expanding the leadership equation: Developing next-generation leaders
- Always on, never done? Don’t blame the smartphone
- Navigating innovation roadblocks: Key differences between innovative and non-innovation organizations
- The coach’s view: Best practices for successful coaching engagements
- What’s next? The 2007 changing nature of leadership survey
- How displaying empathic concern may differentially predict career derailment potential for women and men leaders in Australia
- Developing leadership by building psychological capital
- Transforming your organization
- Developing leaders in Latin America: Understanding managerial derailment
- Mediated dialogue: See your way through change
- Accelerators: Critical competencies for women leaders in retail and consumer goods
- Measurement and predictive invariance of a work-life boundary measure across gender
- Make learning stick: Best practices to get the most out of leadership development
- Making it click: Strategies for helping computer-challenged leaders
- Toward interdependent leadership culture: A transformation case study of KONE Americas
- Managerial motivational profiles: Composition, antecedents, and consequences
- Developing leaders in the public sector of the kingdom: Data and perspectives from the Center for Creative Leadership
- Biased self-perception tendencies: Self-enhancement/self-diminishment and leader derailment in individualistic and collectivistic cultures
- Mentoring first-time managers: Proven strategies HR leaders can use
- Women and political savvy: How to build and embrace a fundamental leadership skill
- A 30-country multilevel test of cultural convergence or divergence of three managerial skillsets
- Bossy: What’s gender got to do with it?
- How to be the boss without being the b-word (bossy)
- Creating a dynamic and sustainable talent ecosystem
- Waistlines and ratings of executives: Does executive status overcome obesity stigma?
- Leader self-awareness: An examination and implications of women’s under-prediction
- The leadership challenge in the pharmaceutical sector: What critical capabilities are missing when it comes to leadership talent and how can they be developed?
- Understanding the leadership challenges of first-time managers: Strengthening your leadership pipeline
- Networks: How collective leadership really works
- Using political skill to maximize and leverage work relationships
- Collective leadership for cultures of high quality health care
- Transformational change: An ecosystem approach
- The effectiveness of the leadership development programme in Europe
- Getting real: How high-achieving women can lead authentically
- Virtuous leadership: Exploring the effects of leader courage and behavioral integrity on leader performance and image
- Leadership strategies for societal impact
- Developing network perspective: Understanding the basics of social networks and their role in leadership
- Boundary spanning in action: Tactics for transforming today’s borders into tomorrow’s frontiers
- Employees’ adaptability and perceptions of change-related uncertainty: Implications for perceived organizational support, job satisfaction, and performance
- A leader’s network: How to help your talent invest in the right relationships at the right time
- Making leadership happen
- Sleep well, lead well: How better sleep can improve leadership, boost productivity, and spark innovation
- Exploring shared value: Use inter-organizational networks as a strategy for business success and positive societal impact
- Delivering a collective leadership strategy for health care
- What makes an effective leader? Generations in India weigh in
- Leadership development beyond competencies: Moving to a holistic approach
- Leader behaviors and career derailment potential: A multi-analytic method examination of rating source and self–other agreement
- Bridging the strategy/performance gap: How leadership strategy drives business results
- Learning about learning agility
- High-potential talent: A view from inside the leadership pipeline
- What makes a leader effective? U.S.boomers, xers, and millennials weigh in
- The role of feedback in supervisor and workgroup identification
- Future trends in leadership development
- U.S. students’ beliefs about leadership
- Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25 years of research and theory
- Leadership is in the eye of the beholder: How images of leadership that people have differ across the organization
- Measuring cumulative workplace change: Development of the cumulative change scale
- Personality and political skill as distal and proximal predictors of leadership evaluations
- Utilizing the theoretical framework of collective identity to understand processes in youth programs
- Impact of leader competency type with leader promotability: Extending self-other agreement research
- Feedback to managers: A guide to reviewing and selecting multirater instruments for leadership development (Fourth Edition)
- Validating the feedback orientation scale in a leadership development context
- What makes a leader effective? Generations in the U.K weigh in
- What makes an effective leader? Generations in South Africa weigh in
- What coaches believe are best practices for coaching: A qualitative study of interviews from coaches residing in Asia and Europe
- Reconsidering the equivalence of multisource performance ratings: Evidence for the importance and meaning of rater factors
- Learning to lead: A comparison of developmental events and learning among managers in China, India and the United States
- The relative importance of political skill dimensions for predicting managerial effectiveness
- Integrity’s place among the character strengths of middle-level managers and top-level executives
- A bridge too far? How boundary spanning networks drive organizational change and effectiveness
- Through the looking glass: How relationships shape managerial careers
- Motivation at work: Which matters more, generation or managerial level?
- Absence of support makes the heart wander: Why people want to leave (or stay with) their organization
- The executive mind: Leader self-talk, effectiveness and strain
- The needs of participants in leadership development programs: A qualitative and quantitative cross-country investigation
- Trouble ahead: Derailment is alive and well
- Go for the goal(s): Relationship between goal setting and transfer of training following leadership development
- The role of multicultural competence and emotional intelligence in managing diversity
- Relative importance of managerial skills for predicting effectiveness
- Work–nonwork boundary management profiles: A person-centered approach
- Trends in succession management in Asia: HR perspectives across three countries
- When political skill matters to leader effectiveness ratings: The role of perceived prosocial impact
- The long arm of job insecurity: Its impact on career-specific parenting behaviors and youths’ career self-efficacy
- Integrating implicit leadership theories and fit into the development of global leaders: A 360-degree approach
- Developing top leaders for a globalised Asia: Lessons from best-practice organisations in Singapore
- A convergence/divergence perspective of leadership competencies managers believe are most important for success in organizations: A cross-cultural multilevel analysis of 40 countries
- Reputational change among managers
- 2012 annual report: How to maintain an engaged workforce
- Getting to “We”: Collective leadership development
- Are leaders born or made? Perspectives from the executive suite
- Empathic emotion and leadership performance: An empirical analysis across 38 countries
- The innovation equation for leaders: People + context = innovation
- Change comes at a cumulative cost: Make it worth the investment!
- 360-degree feedback: Best practices to ensure impact
- Derailment signs across generations: More in common than expected
- A comparison of generational differences in endorsement of leadership practices with actual leadership skill level
- Flat world, hard boundaries – How to lead across them
- The Benchmarks sourcebook three decades of related research
- Motivated by the organization’s mission or their career? Implications for leaders in turbulent times
- Asia Pacific leadership effectiveness dashboard: Critical competencies, strengths, and gaps
- When building strength is not enough: An exploration of derailment potential and leadership strength
- Political skill as an indicator of promotability among multiple rater sources
- Psychological costs of support seeking and choice of communication channel
- Employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility – Africa
- Erratum to: “Millennials at work: What we know and what we need to do (if anything)”
- Leadership responses to a conflict of gender-based tension: A comparison of responses between men and women in the US and South Africa
- Self-other rating agreement in leadership: A review
- Self–other rating agreement in leadership: A review
- Developmental relationships and managerial promotability in organizations: A multisource study
- Leadership practices for corporate global responsibility
- Effective global management: Established constructs and novel contexts
- Self-observer rating discrepancies of managers in Asia: A study of derailment characteristics and behaviors in Southern and Confucian Asia
- Hierarchical linear modeling as an example for measuring change over time in a leadership development evaluation context
- Building trust in the workplace: A key to retaining women
- Employee engagement: Has it been a bull market?
- Employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility: The implications for your organization
- “I don’t see me like you see me, but is that a problem?” Cultural influences on rating discrepancy in 360-degree feedback instruments
- Leadership across differences: A report on research and findings
- Polynomial regression with response surface analysis: A powerful approach for examining moderation and overcoming limitations of difference scores
- Finding yourself: How social identity affects leadership
- Millennials at work: What we know and what we need to do (if anything)
- Driven to work and enjoyment of work: Effects on managers’ outcomes
- Global responsibility: What it takes to get it right
- Rater source effects are alive and well after all
- 2010 WLS annual report on workplace attitudes
- The challenge of leading on unstable ground: Triggers that activate social identity faultlines
- A historical perspective on nonverbal communication in debates: Implications for elections and leadership
- The challenge of leading on unstable ground: Triggers that activate social identity faultlines
- Breaking down boundaries in the climate change debate. Case Study/Mark Gerzon.
- Are cultural characteristics associated with the relationship between self and others’ ratings of leadership?
- Creating coaching cultures: What business leaders expect and strategies to get there
- The effects of ethical climate on group and individual level deception in negotiation
- Analyze this: Six steps to leveraging people investments
- Recognition of emotion in facial expressions and resident advisor effectiveness
- A case for homogeneity of personality at the occupational level
- The continual need for improvement to avoid derailment: A study of college and university administrators
- Corporate social responsibility and sustainable business
- Internet recruiting : Effects of website content features on viewers’ perceptions of organizational culture
- Leadership is more than leaders: Developing leadership culture
- Rater source factors represent important subcomponents of the criterion construct space, not rater bias
- Direction, alignment, commitment: Toward a more integrative ontology of leadership
- Great expectations: Resolving conflicts of leadership style preferences
- E-recruitment and the benefits of organizational web appeal
- Leadership competencies: An exploratory study of what is important now and what has changed since the terrorist attacks of 9/11
- Globally responsible leadership: A leading edge conversation
- Power and sensitivity of alternative fit indices in tests of measurement invariance
- Examining career-related mentoring and managerial performance across cultures: A multilevel analysis
- Interdependent leadership in organizations: Evidence from six case studies
- Differences in rate of response to web-based surveys among college students
- Bridging boundaries: Meeting the challenge of workplace diversity
- Managerial skills: What has changed since the late 1980s
- The role and impact of leadership development in supporting ethical action in organisations
- Illuminating a cross-cultural leadership challenge: when identity groups collide
- An integrative job demand-resource model of burnout & job performance: A meta-analytic path analysis
- Cultural intelligence: Its measurement and effects on cultural judgment and decision making, cultural adaptation and task performance
- Sending signals: Nonverbal communication can speak volumes
- The influence of supervisory‐support climate and unemployment rate on part‐time employee retention: A multilevel analysis
- A study of the discrepancy between self-and observer-ratings on managerial derailment characteristics of European managers
- A study of managerial derailment characteristics and personality preferences
- Identity crisis: Recognizing the triggers of a growing type of conflict
- Leadership and the triple bottom line: Bringing sustainability and corporate social responsibility to life
- 10 trends: A study of senior executives’ views on the future
- The changing nature of leadership
- Everyday leadership: A CCL research white paper
- Competencies for leadership development: What’s hot and what’s not when assessing leadership-implications for organization development
- Experience counts: Learning lessons from key events
- Family ties: Managers can benefit from personal lives
- Commitment to family roles: Effects on managers’ attitudes and performance
- Generational differences in leader values and leadership behaviors
- Talent management in the 21st century: Help your company find, develop, and keep its strongest workers
- The use of constructive-developmental theory to advance the understanding of leadership
- Effect of workaholism on managerial performance: Help or hindrance?
- Keys to motivating tomorrow’s workforce
- Leading roles: What coaches of women need to know
- The mentoring tool
- How can knowledge management affect the practice of leadership? A question of leadership
- Exploring leadership in times of paradox and complexity
- In focus/managing conflict: New challenges in a changing world
- In focus/feedback and development: The negatives of focusing only on the positive
- Stress and the eye of the beholder
- Collision courses: When social identity leads to conflict
- Wired to inspire: Leading organizations through adversity
- What women leaders want
- Personal lives, powerful lessons
- Leadership strategies for culture change: Developing change leadership as an organizational core capacity
- A question of leadership — Should managers be able to review the ratings their subordinates receive from 360-degree-feedback instruments?
- Exploration for development: Developing leadership by making shared sense of complex challenges
- Managerial effectiveness in a global context
- Benefits of multiple roles for managerial women
- Making the connection: Leadership skills and emotional intelligence
- E-Leadership: Separating the reality from the hype
- Attracting opposites to the leadership ranks
- Putting something in the middle: An approach to dialogue
- What do global managers really do?
- Developing from job experiences: The role of organization-based self-esteem
- Gender differences in the intentional use of information in competitive negotiations
- Generational differences in leader values and leadership behaviors
- Developing from job experiences: The role of organization‐based self‐esteem
- Formal developmental relationships: A survey of organizational practices
- The impact of 360-degree feedback on planning for career development
- Demographic and personality predictors of congruence in multi‐source ratings
- Exploring the link between rating congruence and managerial effectiveness
- How managers view success. Perspectives of high‐achieving women
- Personality and organizations: A test of the homogeneity of personality hypothesis
- Executive selection: A research report on what works and what doesn’t
- Using conflict to improve effectiveness of nurse teams
- Does 360‐degree feedback work in different industries? A between‐industry comparison of the reliability and validity of multi‐source performance ratings
- Perceptions of female and male managers in the 1990s: Plus ça change . . .
- The relationship between the five-factor model of personality and the California Psychological Inventory
- Workplace integrity: Differences in perceptions of behaviors and situational factors
- Self-other rating agreement and leader effectiveness
- Leading creatively: The art of making sense
- New directions for research and practice in diversity leadership
- A look at derailment today
- Age and managerial effectiveness: some interesting trends
- Forceful leadership and enabling leadership: you can do both
- Interrater reliability and agreement of performance ratings: a methodological comparison
- Using perspective taking to manage conflict and affect in teams
- Using perspective taking to manage conflict and affect in teams
- Constructs and developmental assessment centers: Further troubling empirical findings
- Job satisfaction and creativity style: An unexpected empirical finding
- Career derailment: are you at risk? Any of nine fatal flaws can derail even the most successful executive
- Why executives derail: Perspectives across time and cultures
- Beyond work-family programs: Confronting and resolving the underlying causes of work-personal life conflict
- Linking management selection and development through stretch assignments
- Promotion decisions as a diversity practice
- A glass ceiling survey: Benchmarking barriers and practices
- An evaluation of the outcomes of a leadership development program
- Enhancing 360-degree feedback for senior executives: How to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks
- Can conflict improve team effectiveness?
- Construct validity of three self-report measures of creativity
- Assessing the developmental components of managerial jobs
- Making common sense: Leadership as meaning-making in a community of practice
- Gender differences in managers’ developmental job experiences
- Conflict with less distress: Promoting team effectiveness
- An examination of the relationships among self‐perception accuracy, self‐awareness, gender, and leader effectiveness
- Creating developmental relationships: Roles and strategies
- Issues & observations: The issue of homogeneity within organizations
- Why managers have trouble empowering: A theoretical perspective based on concepts of adult development
- Learning how to learn from experience: Impact of stress and coping
- The expansive executive (2nd ed.)
- Job demands and managerial learning in the research and development function
- Leadership challenges for human service administrators
- Promotion: Beliefs and reality
- Effective school principals: Competencies for meeting the demands of educational reform
- Executive identity and the hero’s story: The voyage of Dodge Morgan and the American Promise
- Gender differences in the development of managers: How women managers learn from experience
- Twenty-two ways to develop leadership in staff managers
- Character shifts: The challenge of improving executive performance through personal growth
- Using biographical methods to understand managerial behavior and personality
- Preventing derailment: What to do before it’s too late
- On-the-job development: A conceptual model and preliminary investigation
- Diagnosing management development needs: An instrument based on how managers develop
- The lessons of looking glass: Management simulations and the real world of action
- Why executives lose their balance
- The lessons that matter
- Eighty-eight assignments for development in place: Enhancing the developmental challenge of existing jobs
- The dynamics of management derailment
- Developing executives through work experiences
- Explanations of success and derailment in upper-level management positions
- Key events in executives’ lives
- The role of procedural and distributive justice in organizational behavior
- Creativity in the R&D laboratory
- The narrow band
- Developmental experiences in managerial work: A literature review
- The timing of training, learning, and transfer
- Values in action: The meaning of executive vignettes
- The warp and woof of the general manager’s job
- High hurdles: The challenge of executive self-development
- Family life cycle, work career patterns, and women’s wages at midlife
- Fixing relationships through joint action
- Off the track: Why and how successful executives get derailed
- Intervention in a loosely organized system: An encounter with non-being
- Power, influence, and authority: The hazards of carrying a sword
- Studies of managerial work: Results and methods
- Leadership as a design problem
- Appraisal in context: Clashing with organizational realities
- Leaders and leadership: Of substance and shadow